Category Archives: Uncategorized
Cover for ‘Spellbound’
Well… *drum roll* …here it is! The gorgeous cover for my new Destiny Romance e-novella, Spellbound. Spellbound will be out in March. Stay tuned, I’ll back with all the release information when it’s available!
New novella with Destiny Romance!
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve just sold a novella to Destiny Romance, the romance imprint of Penguin Australia. It will be out in March this year and it’s called “Spellbound”. It’s a bit of a departure from SuperRomance – … Continue reading
Just for Today… — Now available for pre-order!
Happy New Year! And what better way to start of 2013 than with a pre-order of my next SuperRomance? It won’t cure any hangovers, but it will give you a warm glow, I promise. 🙂 Check it out at Amazon. … Continue reading
What’s news?
I’m busy working away on book number three — and it has a title now! It’s called “Just For Today…” and it features weddings, dogs, comic conventions, vampires, muscle cars and quite a bit of blush-worthy hawt stuff. It’ll be … Continue reading
In His Eyes now out in Australia
Isn’t the cover gorgeous? You can find the Australian Blush edition in places like Target, Big W and K-Mart. Rush in and get your copy now!
Giveaway to celebrate In His Eyes
The best way to read my latest SuperRomance, “In His Eyes”, is with a glass of wine in one hand and a box of tissues in the other! I can’t help you with the tissues, but I do want to … Continue reading
Release month for In His Eyes!
It’s August! And that means In His Eyes is available — on the shelves in North America from 7 August. I’ve got a fantastic range of exciting things going on with book giveaways, random spot prizes and the grand prize … Continue reading
Cassie’s Grand Plan now out in Australia!
Cassie’s Grand Plan is on Australian shelves in July under the Mills and Boon Blush imprint. The good thing about Blush books is that you get two for one — two amazing SuperRomances in one volume! You can buy Blush … Continue reading
ARRA Book Signing Event
Would you like my autograph on a copy of the Australian “Blush” edition of Cassie’s Grand Plan? Then why not join me on the Gold Coast for the ARRA Book Signing event in August! I’ll be among many other wonderful authors … Continue reading
In His Eyes cover!
I have been blessed by the cover fairies yet again. How gorgeous is the cover for In His Eyes?? In His Eyes comes out in North America in August and in Australia in September. You can pre-order it now from … Continue reading